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Writing and Grammar Tips (beta)

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The writing resources on this blog are made available by the editing staff at EditMyEnglish. We hope you will find the material useful. For personalized help with your papers please contact our staff at info@editmyenglish.com.

Affect vs. Effect

Affect vs. Effect The easiest way to remember the difference between affect and effect really depends on your learning style. I’m a functional learner, so it’s easiest for me to remember that affect is usually used as a verb, whereas effect is usually used as a noun. The following examples illustrate this common usage: The […]

Who versus Whom

Who versus Whom S Nicholas How can you tell when to use who and when to use whom? The easy trick is to use who when you don’t know. Whom is losing ground in the grammar community, much to the dismay of English lovers. However, who/whom is still important in formal writing, and the correct […]

I.e. versus E.g.

Some of the most consistent problems that I see while editing academic papers are the incorrect usage and inconsistent punctuation of i.e. and e.g. These two elucidating pairs of letters seem to cause quite a few problems for even the most erudite of academic writers, so the subject of how to use the abbreviations i.e. […]